Why can’t a child sleep in a car seat

The baby’s first transport is not even a stroller. This is exactly a child car seat, because the baby will be seated in it when they take him home from the hospital. Then it will come in handy more than once or twice: to go to the clinic, to the store, to relatives, for a walk. Kids sometimes spend a couple of hours a day in a car seat. Therefore, you need to choose this device very carefully — and be sure to learn how to manage it.

How to choose a child car seat
The car seat should be orthopedic, repeat the physiological curves of the back. This way you will protect the children’s spine from scoliosis and even the appearance of intervertebral hernias. Well, if there is a headrest, it will relieve the cervical spine. In the most modern models there are additional orthopedic accessories — pillows with the possibility of air pumping, footrests, special pads.

The height and weight of the child
The car seat must meet these parameters so that the load on the spine is evenly distributed. And only in this case it will be able to protect during an accident. For convenience, there is a special marking:

Group 0+. Designed for the age of birth up to one year, designed for a weight of up to 13 kg. Car seats-carriers.

Group 1 — 9 months — 4 years, weight up to 18 kg.

Group 2 — children from 3 to 7 years old, weight from 15 to 25 kg.

Group 3 — 6 — 12 years old, up to 36 kg.

It should be hypoallergenic. Allergy sufferers can sew a cape or a cover made of natural fabrics so that the skin does not come into contact with synthetics.

Compliance with the European Safety Standard
Information about this must be on the label. This compliance is a guarantee that the car seat provides reliable protection for the child at the time of an accident, and with daily use does not harm the child’s body.

The car seat must be securely attached to the vehicle structure. This should be checked immediately before buying. It is good if you install a restraint device and put a child in it for a few minutes. When the baby is comfortable, he will let you know it. So, such a chair is worth buying.

Why can't a child sleep in a car seat

Types of fasteners
Child seats are fixed in the cabin in several ways:

Standard car belt

Universal option, suitable for all car seats, inexpensive. But he has an average safety record. In addition, difficulties and errors may occur during the commit.

Isofix mount

The brackets built into the seat are connected to the brackets in the car seat (as a rule, they are located in the side rear seats). Rigid fixation provides a high level of protection. For example, when braking sharply, the chair will not tip over. However, such a system may not be installed on all cars.

Latch Mount

The chair is attached with special straps to the brackets attached to the rear side seat. Quite an expensive design.

Installation Rules
For the transportation of infants and children up to 3-5 years old, it is recommended to fix the car seat against the direction of movement of the car. The fact is that an immature child’s neck cannot withstand the loads that fall on it during sudden braking. She leans forward and even traumatic injuries may appear. When the seat is fixed against the course of the car, the load is transferred to the back, and the head is not thrown sharply forward.

When a car seat cannot be used
If there is damage on it. It is forbidden to use faulty restraints. If there are cracks and serious damage on the chair, then it cannot guarantee safety when driving. Do not hesitate to buy a new one.

If it does not fit in height and weight. It is dangerous to use those car seats from which the child grew up. They do not provide reliable protection in a collision and cause irreparable harm to children’s health every day, injuring the spine.

Why can't a child sleep in a car seat

How long can a child stay in a car seat
Car seats are provided for the youngest passengers. But in no case can they be used instead of a crib. In a dream, the child should be in a horizontal position, and nothing should constrain his actions.

The car seat is designed differently for safety on the road – the head and back are slightly at an angle. Two hours in the car seat will not harm the baby, but it is not recommended to use it longer or for sleep.

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