Modern cosmetics manufacturers skillfully use natural resources, introducing them into their miraculous formulas. Along with various representatives of flora, such precious exhibits as gold, silver, diamonds and pearls can be found in elite beauty products.
Gold Medal
It is not for nothing that they say that «everything new is well—forgotten old.» And the use of gold as an «elixir of youth» is by no means a modern know-how. Even the beautiful Cleopatra wore a golden mask at night to get a radiant complexion and smooth skin in the morning. Chinese empresses daily did facial massage with golden rollers to increase the elasticity of the skin. So what value (besides nominal) does this precious metal carry?
Firstly, gold does not cause allergies, stimulates blood circulation and promotes the rapid penetration of oxygen into the skin, which is necessary for its renewal and regeneration. The next plus is that this «invincible» metal does not oxidize (unlike our skin, it does not mind the attack of harmful environmental influences) and can partly play the role of a natural preservative.
Thanks to such a set of valuable qualities, gold rightfully occupies an honorable place in the composition of anti-aging serums, anti-aging creams and even decorative cosmetics (lipsticks, powders, shadows). Typically, 24-karat colloidal gold is used — a solution consisting of nanoparticles. It is due to the liquid state that gold is evenly distributed throughout the entire volume of the solution. And the «separation» into microscopic particles allows you to increase the amount of «active substance» and increase its biological activity. Penetrating deep into the skin, the so-called nano-gold strengthens intercellular connections, stimulating the growth of collagen and elastin fibers. In addition, this «treasure» serves as a guide to other useful components of beauty products – vitamins and plant extracts.
The Silver Age
The first mention of silver as a material for making jewelry dates back to about the IV century BC. At that time, this metal was valued much higher than gold, partly due to its healing properties. It was believed that this «amulet» is able to heal, rejuvenate and even protect from evil forces. For example, in India, water infused in a silver vessel was used as a life-giving elixir for many diseases. In Switzerland, silver jewelry was put on a sick tooth. In ancient China, the stomach was treated by swallowing pieces of silver.
Today, silver ions are widely used both in household water filters and for disinfection of water in swimming pools. The secret of such popularity of this «light» (argenta in Sanskrit — «light») metal is in its unique bactericidal (kills germs) and bacteriostatic (inhibits their reproduction) properties. In the 80s of the XIX century, the Swiss botanist Karl Nagel established that it was silver dissolved (ionized) in water that causes the death of pathogenic microorganisms. Later, his followers proved that silver is capable of destroying more than 650 species of pathogenic bacteria and microbes. Any modern antibiotic will «envy» such an impressive result. In addition, silver is hypoallergenic and non-addictive.
It is not surprising that such outstanding abilities have brought silver into the cosmetics industry. Namely, in products for the care of oily and problematic skin suffering from inflammation and acne. Getting into the very bowels of the skin, silver molecules normalize the sebaceous glands, prevent clogging of pores and resist the proliferation of bacteria.
Carry it on your hands
Jewelry will never go out of fashion. And once again, in their collections, designers from all over the world focus on metallic shades and the shimmer of stones. A luxurious manicure — a scattering of gold, the shine of crystal, the radiance of emerald and amethyst — is your main trump card, which will give the finishing touch to the festive image.
Diamond Fund
A diamond (a processed diamond) bears the title of the most precious stone. Pure carbon atoms are responsible for the «birth» of this natural treasure, which live at a great depth underground and are subjected to strong pressure and heating for millions of years. The most expensive diamond in the world is called «Cullinane». It has 3106 carats and more than 500 grams of weight. In 1907, the Transvaal government presented this diamond to the English King Edward VII, who ordered the stone to be divided. As a result, 9 large and 96 small diamonds were made from it.
In addition to dazzling beauty, this multifaceted masterpiece (or rather its derivative — diamond dust) has a brilliant effect as part of peels, anti-age creams, hair and nail products. The scope of his activity is quite wide: to slow down the aging process of the skin, to even out the relief and complexion, to strengthen nails and fill hair with radiance. Naturally, diamonds used in cosmetics cannot boast of their natural origin. All of them are artificially grown in the laboratory. At the same time, their properties fully correspond to the original.