As a result of improper breathing, we are constantly in a state close to stress, our thoughts are scattered, and the body often gets tired and becomes vulnerable to diseases. However, do not despair: it is never too late to rebuild and start breathing correctly. But how does it feel to breathe properly?
What is proper breathing capable of?
reduces stress levels
improves blood circulation of the brain (thereby supporting its vital activity)
improves memory
treats headaches
cures insomnia
trains the heart muscle
normalizes metabolism and burns fats
improves the quality of skin and hair
helps to neutralize the manifestations of vegetative vascular dystonia
and that’s not all
How do we breathe?
Most often people breathe «chest» or «shoulders». In the first case, we are talking about «rib breathing», when the chest «expands» when inhaling. In the second case, it is about «clavicular breathing», when the collarbones are slightly raised. Clavicular breathing involves only 20% of the lung volume. Can you imagine how much oxygen the body lacks? It is not surprising that people with such breathing often experience headaches, drowsiness and weakness, often blaming all the blame on anemia.
The frequency and rhythm of breathing also leave much to be desired. Many even breathe like steam locomotives in their sleep: often and noisily. Some even sin by holding their breath, which occur automatically when a person is distracted or thinking deeply about something.
Such improper breathing interferes with gas exchange and has a detrimental effect on our general condition. We are constantly in a state of tension, fatigue and stress. We want to sleep all the time, we yawn, the head «blunts» and periodically hurts. And this is called the «normal» state. Now imagine that you are in a really stressful situation. Everything is getting much worse. You begin to breathe faster, but at the same time inhale less. These quick shallow breaths incapacitate the whole body. As a result:
the blood is not getting enough oxygen
blood vessels constrict
the brain is not getting enough oxygen
the pulse accelerates and blood pressure rises
metabolic processes are disrupted
you are in a shaky, unstable state, tense, your reaction and thoughts are inhibited, a slight dizziness is possible.
How should I breathe?
You should breathe «belly». In the process of breathing, our body receives oxygen and gets rid of carbon dioxide. This gas exchange occurs in the lungs, but it would not be possible without the diaphragm. The diaphragm is a dome—shaped muscle that separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities. It is she who «pumps» the air in your lungs when you breathe. Imagine that both lungs are «sitting» on the dome of the diaphragm. When you inhale, the dome flattens. This creates more space in the chest cavity so that the lungs can fill up. Your stomach is inflated at the same time. When exhaling, the diaphragm returns to the dome shape. Such diaphragmatic or abdominal breathing provides an efficient exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. But this is ideal. As practice shows, most people breathe the wrong way, that is, incorrectly.
The path of correction
Have you noticed how calmly and rhythmically small children breathe? You used to breathe like that too. They lay quietly, serenely in the crib, not knowing what a deadline is, an irregular working day, a broken expensive phone. Your tummy was rising and falling in a relaxed way. And then you grew up and ruined everything. Unless, of course, you are an opera singer, a yogi or a musician who plays wind instruments. No? Then let’s still check how you breathe.
Step 1. Lie on your back. It is better to bend your legs slightly at the knees.
Step 2. Place your right hand on your stomach and your left hand on your chest.
Step 3. Lie down and watch your breathing. What is it? Smooth or confused? Fast or slow? Do you take deep breaths or shallow ones? If you breathe correctly, your right hand, lying on your stomach, will rhythmically and smoothly descend and rise. The hand on the chest should move insignificantly, barely noticeably.
Step 4. Most likely, the opposite happens to you: the hand on the chest rises and falls more noticeably than the hand on the stomach. Then try lying on your back to «breathe into your stomach.» Of course, you will breathe into the lungs, but you will force the diaphragm to work, and there will be a complete feeling as if you are really pushing air into the stomach. Did it work? Remember this feeling. Now your task is to breathe as often as possible.
Be prepared for the fact that such proper breathing «in the stomach» will require concentration and vigilant attention from you. Once you get distracted, it will return to its usual rut by itself. But don’t worry about it. You have been breathing like this almost all your life, so it is difficult to completely change to another type of breathing, and it will take a lot of time. Imagine that you need to start walking backwards. It will be unusual, difficult, and the thought will be constantly spinning in my head: «Why? It’s more convenient the old-fashioned way. It’s not worth it.» In the case of breathing, it’s worth it!
One important point: you need to breathe through your nose! Air should enter the lungs not through the mouth, but through the nose, since it is more adapted for this. The nasal cavity «prepares» the air for the lungs, warming it, moistening it, cleaning it from dust and disinfecting it from bacteria and viruses.