Two expectant moms arranged a photo shoot with a sequel

Those who believe in destiny and destiny usually get what they want. When Lauren Manners decided to have a child, she had no idea who her circumstances would bring her to, but when it happened, she did not reject the gift of higher powers. And she did the right thing.

Lauren Manners was returning with her husband from a women’s clinic when she saw an injured white cat on the side of the road.

Two expectant moms arranged a photo shoot with a sequel

Lauren has a rich experience of volunteering, she went out a lot of wounded animals and realized that she would not be able to work and take care of a child at the same time. Therefore, on the eve of pregnancy, she left work and said a firm «no» to all the fuzzies.But the white kitty suddenly also turned out to be pregnant and this became a sign for the girl. She realized that she had no right to leave the future mother in trouble.

Two expectant moms arranged a photo shoot with a sequel

The wound turned out to be not serious, but pregnant women need a regime. Both of them — they quickly became friends.

They spent a lot of time together. And so it happened — they gave birth almost simultaneously.

Two expectant moms arranged a photo shoot with a sequel

In the morning, Lauren went to the hospital, and when she returned home with her newborn daughter, the cat was already licking the kittens. Isn’t that a sign?

Two expectant moms arranged a photo shoot with a sequel

When the girl turned five months old, she was already playing with the grown-up kittens with might and main.

Two expectant moms arranged a photo shoot with a sequel

The cat and all the kittens have found new homes and now they are doing well. Lauren and her daughter often visit them.

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