Twitter users were amused by children’s pigostats

A few revelations — in the work of the editorial office it often happens that a certain topic attracts attention again and again. And sometimes it seems that everything has already been told, illuminated, why repeat yourself? But judging by the comments, there will always be people for whom this is a novelty, because you can’t tell everything to everyone at once. We are not alone — recently a new epidemic of spontaneous humor dedicated to pigostats broke out on Twitter. You know what it is, don’t you?

Twitter users were amused by children's pigostats

It all started with this post.

«I just found out this is how they X-ray small children and I can’t stop laughing».

Don’t be scared, it’s just kids in pigostats. A pigostat (peeg-o-stat), literally «the fixator of fidgety piglets», is such a professional medical device. In fact, it is a fastener so that a young and therefore capricious, restless child can be calmed down and made to freeze motionless for a while while an X—ray is being taken. This is an important procedure and therefore efforts are aimed at the result, and no one asks the opinions of the little patients themselves.

Twitter users were amused by children's pigostats

Naturally, like everything unusual, it gave rise to a wave of original humor. And how can I keep from laughing?

More reasonable people noted that there is little funny here, on the contrary, everything is extremely serious. It is necessary not to harm the baby, and to provide a reliable fixation for scanning, and to do everything quickly before the child gets tired and starts acting up. And in fact, let’s say thank you to the doctors, because we used to do with such units with extremely low efficiency.

Some young parents posted photos of their children in pigostats.

Twitter users were amused by children's pigostats

And when the number of likes for the original post exceeded 400,000, one young doctor unsubscribed in the comments. He said that in Nigeria, where he has the honor to work, there is nothing like this anywhere near — funding is lame. And it is somehow necessary to take children for X-rays, so they and their partner built such an artisanal likeness of a pigostat. And nothing works!

Twitter users were amused by children's pigostats

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