The man told how he lost more than 40 kilograms in a year and turned into a real handsome man

The man, whose weight has already exceeded 125 kilograms, gained it during the pandemic. At this moment, he and his wife were expecting a baby, so they did not deny themselves delicious food. The weight quickly went up.

When the baby was born, Jordan clearly decided that he had to change for the sake of his son.

The man told how he lost more than 40 kilograms in a year and turned into a real handsome man

He was afraid that he might die of obesity and not see how the child takes the first steps, goes to school and so on.

It’s no secret that extra pounds cause a variety of diseases, some of which can lead to death.

The man told how he lost more than 40 kilograms in a year and turned into a real handsome man

The couple refused fried, ready-made, fatty food, and the man went to fitness halls. Regular training helped him lose more than forty kilograms. The guy shared his results with before and after photos.

The man told how he lost more than 40 kilograms in a year and turned into a real handsome man

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