Andrew Taylor once weighed 151 kilograms. But on the first day of 2016, the man decided that he wanted to change his life by losing weight. Taylor’s choice fell on an extreme way — a potato diet.
Nutritionists and friends of Andrew were horrified by such an idea, which he shared on social networks. All due to the fact that the human body cannot exist on potatoes only. However, Mr. Taylor’s experience has shown that everything is possible.
He tells about his experience: “At first, everyone laughed at my refusal to eat, except potatoes. But then they began to respect, because not everyone will be able to abruptly stop eating their favorite foods.”
The first two weeks were especially difficult for the man. His body could not withstand such a change in the menu, but over time he adapted to the new model of nutrition. She allowed Andrew to get rid of 50 extra pounds. At the same time, men consumed about four kilos of potatoes per day.