The girl weighed 300 kg, but was able to lose 200 kg and turned into a beauty

Just 5 years ago, 24-year-old Amber Rushdie weighed 300 kg and was forced to drop out of college because she was no longer able to perform even the most basic everyday tasks.

The girl weighed 300 kg, but was able to lose 200 kg and turned into a beauty












We will tell you an incredible story about how a girl who weighed 300 kg, lost 200 kg and turned into a beauty.

Amber couldn’t take a shower on her own, and she rarely left the house. When the doctors after the examination told Amber that she could die at the age of 30 if she continued to lead such a lifestyle, Rashdi turned to the popular show «I weigh 300 kg», where people are helped to fight excess weight.

The girl weighed 300 kg, but was able to lose 200 kg and turned into a beauty

It was there that she was helped to make a diet, as well as had an operation to reduce the stomach. A year after the operation, Amber managed to get rid of the extra 65 kg, but then another problem appeared – sagging skin. Therefore, a new operation was required.

The girl weighed 300 kg, but was able to lose 200 kg and turned into a beauty

After the operations, the girl continued to lead a healthy lifestyle and steadily lose excess weight. As a result, in a few years she lost more than 200 kilograms, graduated from college and got a job she loved.

The girl weighed 300 kg, but was able to lose 200 kg and turned into a beauty

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