The girl showed what would happen if she didn’t wash her hair for seven days

The girl was watching videos in Tik Tok and found a reel in which the cosmetologist talked about an interesting experiment related to hair. This video quickly became popular, and many representatives of the weaker gender tried to repeat the experiment. One of these experiments ended with an unexpected result.

The girl showed what would happen if she didn't wash her hair for seven days

One of the viewers decided to try out a new recommendation of Tik Tok. To check the information from the video, the girl did not wash her hair for a week – this is the recommendation given by the cosmetologist from the viral video.

She suggests that women should detox their hair at least twice a month by refusing to wash their hair for seven days. You should also give up other products, dry shampoos and so on.

The girl showed what would happen if she didn't wash her hair for seven days

This allows you to normalize all processes in the scalp. After the detox, the hair should be cleaned.

The girl who conducted the experiment was amazed at what her hair had become. Naturally, it was unpleasant to walk with dirty hair, but she persevered.

The girl showed what would happen if she didn't wash her hair for seven days

After that, she had a special shampoo, which was supposed to clean her hair. After drying her hair, she was surprised, because the strands became very light, airy, smooth, had a natural shine.

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