What are germs?
It’s no secret that even at home we are surrounded by microbes, and, if viewed under a microscope, you can find a brave new world. Some of the «inhabitants» are useful, others are harmful. It makes no sense to be afraid of them, it’s better to figure out where they are stationed, why they accumulate in certain places, and how to deal with them in order to protect the health of children and the whole family.
To begin with, microbes are living organisms that are too small to be seen with the naked eye. There are a lot of varieties, and they are divided into groups: bacteria, viruses, protozoa and fungi.
How do they spread?
The most popular of them are bacteria and viruses. They can be transmitted from person to person, from person to object, and from object to object. Also, due to their small size, they can spread through the air and with water droplets.
In case of a lack of nutrients, some microbes can remain dormant for a long time, while others are able to move independently in search of a more favorable habitat. In addition, they multiply very quickly. It is a well-known fact that bacterial cells divide every 20 minutes at a temperature favorable for them and the presence of nutrients.
That is, if a child has played enough in the sandbox, touched various toys and other objects on the street, then came home and started playing with the same toys without washing his hands or toys, after a couple of hours germs will spread across his room, and then throughout the apartment. Therefore, it is very important to observe basic hygiene rules.
There is a study that shows that the intensity of the spread of bacteria and viruses is directly influenced by the following factors:
the type of surface on which they live (hard, porous, fabric, and so on), which is confirmed by the data of the Australian Academy of Sciences;
our habits and lifestyle, for example, the presence or absence of regular cleaning and disinfection, hand washing;
cleaning products that we are used to using when cleaning.
What needs to be disinfected in the nursery?
First of all, toys should be disinfected in the nursery, especially those that the child carries with him to kindergarten or school. After all, it often happens that toys travel with children and are in various places during the day, from where they then return to the nursery with unwanted inhabitants.
Next, pay attention to the floor where the child is playing. Dry vacuuming is not enough in this case, it is necessary to wash the floors with disinfectants at least three times a week. If there are carpets in the room, it is also important to wash and treat them regularly.
In addition, pay attention to the objects that are most often touched by hands: door handles, computer keyboard, remote controls, desktop and chair armrests.
Disinfection of all these surfaces is easiest to carry out with wet wipes, which contain components with bactericidal and viricidal action, for example, lactic, citric or malic acid, benzalkonium chloride or ethyl alcohol.
Also, do not forget about the baby’s personal belongings. A pacifier, a bottle, a spoon, a plate, a cup and other objects that the baby constantly pulls into his mouth, or that touch the body, should be washed and boiled regularly. It is important to wash children’s clothes with the addition of special disinfectants to effectively remove pathogens that accumulate throughout the day.
Do not forget to regularly ventilate the children’s room and use humidifiers. To prevent the spread of germs, it is also worth using air sanitizers, but be sure to follow the instructions for use to avoid difficulties.
Is it possible to get rid of germs forever?
It is impossible to completely get rid of pathogenic microbes, besides excessive sterility can harm immunity. But, of course, it is necessary to monitor hygiene and carry out regular cleaning, including disinfection. Moreover, science does not stand still, and scientists are finding more and more advanced formulas and creating means by which it becomes easier to keep yourself and your loved ones healthy.