The Chinese woman with the longest eyelashes in the world has doubled her record

Scientists shrug their hands — the reasons for the unnatural growth of Yu Jianjia’s eyelashes are unknown to science. A resident of Chinese Changzhou has already been twice included in the Guinness Book of Records and she has no competitors. The last achievement is 20.5 cm.

All your own, all natural

The Chinese woman with the longest eyelashes in the world has doubled her record

Yu Jianjia’s eyelashes began to grow in 2015, and quickly exceeded all possible sizes. When their length reached 12.5 cm, the woman was recognized as the official record holder. Since then, the eyelashes have only grown and it is very likely that the current 20.5 cm is not the limit at all. Moreover, the hostess is not going to shorten them. On the contrary, she says that it is now such a talisman, with them she has an interesting appearance and self-conceit on top.

The Chinese woman with the longest eyelashes in the world has doubled her record

Since science is silent, Yu Jianjia decided to consider long eyelashes a «gift from the Buddha.» As a child, she was physically weak, she was ill a lot, and a few years ago she ventured to undergo therapy in a monastery. She spent 480 days among the mountains and pure nature, after which she felt «reborn». It became stronger, sores went away, and as a bonus, eyelashes began to grow. There must be a reason for all this, so we should appreciate it.

The Chinese woman with the longest eyelashes in the world has doubled her record

In addition to the length of the eyelashes are quite ordinary. They break from awkward movements, sometimes fall out, you can accidentally pull out. Fortunately, everything grows back quickly, and the total length grows quite slowly. The woman says that they do not give her any difficulties, only joy.

The Chinese woman with the longest eyelashes in the world has doubled her record

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