That’s what it looks like, maternal happiness!

Experts and just snide figures predict a baby boom around the world by the end of the year, provoked by the current quarantine. So, there will be much more kids and their happy mothers! And this is such wonderful news that it is difficult not to resist and not to issue a post about how our younger sisters cope with this honorable duty!

There was a lot of happiness, and even such a restless one!

That's what it looks like, maternal happiness!

Look! Mine! Be jealous!

That's what it looks like, maternal happiness!

Motherhood is a concern!

That's what it looks like, maternal happiness!

No matter how you look, all the kids are beautiful!

That's what it looks like, maternal happiness!

And they also grow so fast!

That's what it looks like, maternal happiness!

Of course, you will have to give them a lot of strength first

That's what it looks like, maternal happiness!

For example, to teach basic hygiene

That's what it looks like, maternal happiness!

They will be naughty a lot, without it anywhere

That's what it looks like, maternal happiness!

We wish you happiness and kindness!

That's what it looks like, maternal happiness!

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