Stress, infection, vitamin deficiency: what hair can tell about your health

Thyroid problems
When the thyroid gland does not work properly, hormonal imbalance can lead to numerous health problems, one of which is hair loss.

Moreover, this may be the result of both hyperthyroidism, which is caused by excessive activity of the thyroid gland, which produces too many hormones, and hypothyroidism, caused by insufficient thyroid activity. So first of all it is better to go to an endocrinologist and take all the tests. Especially if lethargy, memory problems and weight gain are added to hair loss.

Hair loss can also be caused by various infections. For example, ringworm or some bacterial infections can cause folliculitis. The hair follicles become inflamed and the hair begins to fall out more than usual.

Iron deficiency
Studies have shown that iron deficiency can lead to hair loss, especially in those who already have a genetic predisposition to alopecia. And a constant feeling of anxiety can accelerate the process of graying due to the inflammation that stress causes throughout the body. Fortunately, it’s easy to fix. It is enough to introduce more iron-rich foods into the diet: for example, red meat, beans, cabbage, raisins, cranberries and apricots.

A common side effect of stress is hair loss. This reaction of the body is called focal alopecia. Fortunately, usually such stress goes away pretty quickly by itself. But in advanced cases, it is worth going to a neurologist or psychotherapist.

Skin diseases
Yes, it also affects the condition of the hair. For example, more than half of those with psoriasis have an outbreak at some point during their life with a side effect such as hair loss. Fortunately, this usually passes soon.

In those who suffer from seborrheic dermatitis, hair loss is also possible when the infection affects the scalp.

During menopause, a woman undergoes many physical, mental and hormonal changes. The hormones estrogen and progesterone are vital for hair growth. During menopause, they become many times less, and hair loss becomes a frequent side effect during this period.

Excess vitamin A
Vitamin A is good for eyes, bones and skin. However, studies say that too much vitamin A, whether it’s food or any vitamin supplements, can negatively affect the condition of the hair.

Insufficient amount of protein
There is a direct connection between nutrition and the condition of the hair. When there is not enough protein in your daily diet, not only muscles, the immune system and general health suffer. One of the many side effects is the weakness and fragility of the hair.

Extreme diets
Studies have shown that those who sit on strict diets minimize key nutrients that are of great importance for hair growth and health. The same, by the way, applies to fast food lovers.

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