It is difficult for an absent-minded kid to keep his attention on one thing for a long time: he easily switches from subject to subject, quickly forgets what he was just asked about, or where he put the toy. At school, it will be difficult for a child with poor concentration, so it is necessary to correct the behavior features before he becomes a first-grader.
Yes, most likely you will need a comprehensive approach: with the participation of a neurologist, psychologist, and other specialists. And at home, special games will help to develop attention. You can play with the whole family or gather a team of kids.
By the way, even if the baby has no problems with attention, such classes will be a good prevention of absent-mindedness. At preschool age, with the help of games, children explore and learn about the world, learn to concentrate, communicate with each other and be independent. Taking part in children’s fun, parents help them to become more attentive, develop memory, expand vocabulary.
«Find objects»
Game helps to improve the ability to concentrate.
Rules: Take picture books, magazines, scroll through and decide what items you will be looking for: dishes, furniture, vegetables, animals, birds, insects. For example, you have chosen fruit. The task of the child, flipping through the books with you, carefully examine each page in search of the right pictures. You can arrange a competition — who will be the first to find the object in the picture. To do this, it is better to use large-format publications.
«Find objects in the room»
It helps to develop not only attention, but also perception and visual memory.
1 option. Rules: An adult arranges objects in the room in advance so that they merge either in shape or in color. The task of parents is not to hide objects, as in the game of hide—and-seek, but to arrange them so that they are visible, and at the same time hidden. For example, a blue vase on the background of a blue curtain. The child’s task is to carefully examine the room and find all the objects.
Option 2. Rules: The child, together with an adult, carefully examines the room: what objects are in it, tries to remember all the nuances. Then the child leaves the room for a while, and the adult changes or rearranges objects. The child’s task is to understand what has changed.
Why the child is absent—minded – 3 main reasons
An overabundance of information. In relation to modern children, this is especially true.
Improper nutrition. The body does not receive enough nutrients.
Sedentary lifestyle, overwork.
«Family Album»
Helps in the development of attention and memory.
View your photos together with your child. Children really like to look at the pictures, especially those in which they are themselves. But the most important thing is that you and your child are immersed in the joyful moments of the past, relive it, activate the process of attention. How?
Rules: After viewing the photos, you can ask: «Do you remember that photo where you built a sand tower? Don’t you remember what objects were there nearby? What color was the shoulder blade? Who was next to us in the photo?».
When should I see a doctor?
Consultation of a specialized specialist may be necessary if there is hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder, soreness, hypersensitivity. You can contact a pediatrician or a pediatric neurologist.
«Find and touch»
The child learns not only to concentrate attention, but also to distinguish colors and remember their names. It can be played from an early age.
Rules: Within 30 seconds, the child in the room is looking for as many objects of a certain color as possible. For example, all are red. The adult records the result in the achievement sheet: notes how many items and what color he found, how quickly it turned out. After that, you can discuss what the difficulties were or how he managed to find these items so quickly.
By the way
You can switch roles and make a leading child, as it is important for him to feel important and meaningful, to learn to make decisions. In addition, games make us more emotional and cheerful, give us the opportunity to return to childhood, albeit for a short time.