Mom spent four hours cleaning up the nursery, and received only a portion of criticism

You will not please people, and more than once the thought arises — is it necessary to try at all? The other day, an Australian mom who chose to remain incognito found herself in an annoying situation. She wanted to brag about how cool she did the cleaning, but received only criticism and unflattering recommendations in response. And where is justice?

Everyone who has small children has faced such a situation — toys are scattered

Mom spent four hours cleaning up the nursery, and received only a portion of criticism

While the children are small, and this mother has boys of 4 and 5 years old, the concept of «cleaning» or «order» for them is not much different from sophisticated scientific terms. And to hope that the kids themselves will maintain cleanliness in the nursery is naivety of the highest level. Even if it’s just about putting the toys in place. So this mother, when she saw the littered room, made heroic efforts to clean it up. Without exaggeration, as she herself wrote, it took 4 hours to restore order.

Here is the result. Can she really be proud of herself?

Mom spent four hours cleaning up the nursery, and received only a portion of criticism

But it was not there! Bile and venom poured out in the comments. They say, you’ve got too much, why so many toys? Children should be brought up strictly, and not buy them half a store on a whim! It’s her own fault that so much junk — it’s you who brought it into the house! The planet is already littered with garbage, and people like you only sponsor its increase! The most harmless and logical was «Try to throw out some of the old toys — next time you will have to clean up less.»

And how to react? I wanted the best, but it turned out…

Mom spent four hours cleaning up the nursery, and received only a portion of criticism

Here’s how to figure out who’s right? Those who pamper children and selflessly clean up after them? Or those who keep the kids in strictness and do not buy anything but the most necessary?

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