The picture, which quickly flew around social networks, and went viral. Young Freddie-Jay, two months old, was weighed by his mother on an old-fashioned scale in the vegetable department of the Marks & Spencer store. I wondered why she did it.
Here is the very picture. The scales show 4.5 kg.
Tasha Moss has her third child, so she knew what she was doing. Freddie-Jay was born small, weighing less than 3 kg, so it was very important to monitor how he grows and gains weight. But the trouble is — all the hospitals in their town are closed because of covid, pediatricians work in the red zone. The case is not an emergency, so do not interfere with the mother and cope yourself. So she did it.
As Tasha wrote, she wiped the scales with antibacterial wipes
The idea came to her spontaneously as soon as she saw these scales. For two whole months of her son’s life, she had no data on his weight, and then such luck. And immediately joy — the baby has gained almost 2 kg of weight, so everything is fine! Plus, a photo will remain in memory of how we experienced these difficult covid times.