Kids, carts and 7 more ways to make you overpay in the store

And our goal is, if not to save money, then at least not to overpay. That is, not to succumb to temptation, to reason logically. And don’t make these mistakes.

Children — do not take them with you to the store
The preschooler does not even think about whether he really needs what his eyes fell on. Especially if it is «something» – with the image of a favorite hero. I see the goal — I see no obstacles. Then the scenario is known: parents either stand up to the children’s hysteria, or give up and buy a chocolate bar / toy / chips. That’s what the store is counting on. And there are especially a lot of such goods in the checkout area: while the child is standing in line, he has time to consider everything.

The trolley on wheels is too big
Even if it is in plain sight, and the usual baskets are not visible, try to look for them. No — put the products directly in a bag. Do not forget that because of the cart you buy more: the goods do not pull your hands, it fits more and because of the volume, the illusion is created that you took quite a bit.

Tasting — cheese in a mousetrap
Have you eaten a small piece of free sausage? Have you discussed different tastes with the promoter? Have you eaten another piece? Well, now you feel a little beholden to this lovely girl (and she did a great job). You’ll have to buy their company’s products, because you don’t want to feel like you’ve eaten «for free.» So our advice is: run away from these advertising racks.

Cash register is better than self—service
If possible, go to the self-service checkout. There you will be able to control the amount in the receipt, cancel the product if you are not satisfied with the price or it does not match the price tag on the shelf. When the products are punched by a regular cashier, we, even seeing the checkout screen, do not have time to react.

By the way, it is even better to use purchase scanners — there are already such in many large networks. You punch the product as soon as you take it off the shelf, and even before the checkout you see the total amount.

Kids, carts and 7 more ways to make you overpay in the store

The list is your friend and helper
Extra expenses most often fall on spontaneous purchases. Without a list, you will wander around the store, looking at each shelf and thinking: «What do I need here?». And, of course, grab extra (especially if you came to the store hungry). The list will sort out your throwing a little: at least you will immediately approach the right products.

However, the employees of the stores are also not a blunder. From time to time, they make a big rearrangement in hypermarkets and swap all the goods. We have to go slower, and look for what and where it stands now.

Packaged goods — overpayment for packaging
Most often this applies to vegetable departments, as well as departments with frozen products. Bulgarian pepper by weight in terms of kilograms will cost less than the same, but beautifully packaged in colors. Potatoes in a package, of course, are prettier than dirty ones in the next tray, but the price has already included the packaging itself and the work of the one who washed it for you. The same applies to sweets, marmalade and other sweets.

Lower shelves — hidden treasures
It is clear that you are used to a certain brand of pasta, ketchup, bread. And most often these are the ones that stand at your eye level, in plain sight. But if you bend over, then the lower shelves are likely to have products that are not worse, but cheaper. Not promoted brands, products that do not have special agreements with retail chains. They are not bad and maybe even tastier than the ones you take all the time. But they are cheaper and hidden at the bottom. By the way, on the top shelves, on the contrary, as a rule, there are the most expensive products.

Bad mood is a guarantee of overpayment
For many people, shopping is a way to relax. Even a supermarket can cheer you up. By throwing groceries and other goods into the cart, you raise your self—esteem – I can afford it all. The «hangover» will come very quickly, and you will not be able to return what you bought.

Promotional items — it is better to recalculate
The real story not from a hypermarket, but from a pharmacy. There are two drugs nearby. One has a price tag of the usual color and two prices: on the club card and without it. Next to a similar medicine with a yellow, promotional price tag: 20% discount. Of course, I want to immediately take the one that is on the stock. But first we take a calculator and count. It turns out that the goods on a regular club card will cost 25% cheaper, that is, the yellow price tag is not profitable for its owner. It’s the same in grocery stores.

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