From the point of view of evolution, pain is the body’s signaling system. It carries valuable information about his condition, so the pain cannot be ignored and thoughtlessly take analgesics and painkillers. Otherwise, it will return more and more often and may become chronic.
How long does it hurt?
The first thing to pay attention to is time. The pain can be short—lived – transient, acute (until the sore spot heals, but no more than a month and a half) and chronic (from three months or more). This is an important criterion that you must tell the doctor about at the consultation.
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Where it hurts?
Independently, it can be difficult to determine exactly where it hurts. The pain can be local, wandering or reflected. Quite often, the pain goes to another place, and it hurts not in the place where the pathological process actually occurs.
If there is pain in the abdominal area, it is difficult to determine its true cause without professional diagnosis. But this signal says that you need to see a doctor. After all, it is in this zone that vital organs are located: stomach, liver, intestines, spleen, gallbladder, bladder, organs of the reproductive system.
Types of abdominal pain
A common cause of abdominal pain is a spasm of the smooth muscle organ, accompanied by an involuntary contraction of muscle tissue. Such pain develops quickly, spontaneously, does not depend on the duration of the time. The cause may be minor gastrointestinal disorders, infections, improper nutrition.
The pain has a stabbing character. These are cramping pains that occur due to intense contractions of tissue and organ walls. There may be intestinal, renal, ulcerative, ischemic.
Pressing, burning pain
Or, as doctors say, anginal pain. This is an unpleasant sensation, accompanied by a strong burning sensation. If pain occurs in the area above the navel, this is a common symptom of appendicitis.
Cyclical pain (menstrual)
Aching and pulling sensations are quite common in women during menstruation. Such pains are normal if they are short-lived and do not cause severe discomfort, without knocking out of the usual life. If it hurts for a long time and more and more, it can be a signal of problems with women’s health. In this case, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible for an accurate diagnosis.
Dull, spreading pain
It is also visceral pain, which is chronic. This is an irritation of the pain receptors of the internal organs. It can be localized in a specific organ. It increases and weakens, has a wave-like character. Accompanied by increased sweating, nausea and vomiting. Such pain can be caused by functional disorders (irritable bowel syndrome, chronic gastritis, reflux of the esophagus, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, tumor processes).
What to do with abdominal pain?
Ignore the pain, do not self-medicate. During the initial examination, describe the sensations, duration, and localization of pain to the specialist as accurately as possible. Based on your words, the doctor will draw up an examination plan, tell you which tests should be taken. Instrumental diagnostic methods may be required: ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, MRI or CT, colon and gastroenterology. In any case, you need to hear your body and treat it carefully, and leave the diagnosis to specialists.