Is it possible to give pineapple to children: everything parents need to know

What is the benefit?
Pineapple is known for its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties.

Its fragrant pulp helps to improve the functioning of the baby’s intestines and cope with constipation due to the abundance of dietary fibers and organic acids (although the latter can irritate the sensitive gastric mucosa, so it’s better to eat pineapple a little).

Due to the high content of manganese, which strengthens cartilage tissue, this delicious fruit promotes the growth of the child.

Due to potassium, pineapple improves the functioning of the heart and does not allow excess fluid to accumulate in the tissues.

Under the thick pineapple peel, there are also B vitamins, ascorbic acid, beta-carotene and the unique enzyme bromelain, which can break down proteins and reduce inflammation.

How to choose?
Choose firm, elastic fruits with a dense peel and dense leaves, without external damage and dents — softness when pressed and brown spots on the skin mean that the pineapple is spoiling. Capricious Southerners do not like excessive cold or heat and are well stored at temperatures from +7 to +10 ° C. But it is best to eat pineapples immediately, and fresh — after cooking, they become less useful substances.

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