Finding out the causes of the problem
Before proceeding to rescue procedures, you need to find out the causes of roughened skin:
incorrectly selected shoes (unnatural or low-quality materials, open flip-flops). The pair should sit perfectly on the leg, preferably with an orthopedic insole;
frequent wearing of high—heeled shoes – from 8 cm and above;
constant load on the legs during the day;
flat feet;
problems with the thyroid gland, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract. There are many variations of internal disorders, and in this case it is impossible to do without a comprehensive medical examination, and it is better to start with a blood test;
excess weight;
lack of vitamins A and E. In addition to special complexes from pharmacies (on the recommendation of a doctor), be sure to include carrots, rice, pumpkin and liver in the diet;
fungus. The risk of catching an unpleasant infection increases if you ignore socks and tights, walk barefoot.
Before proceeding to home procedures, experts advise to assess the degree of dryness of the heels. With a little dryness, any of the methods described below is suitable. In case of severe dryness, it is better to contact a medical pedicure master.
Baths with soda or vinegar
One tablespoon of soda is diluted in a liter of hot water. Add lavender and tea tree oil in equal proportions and put your feet in the bath for 15 minutes.
In addition, you can prepare soda powder and use it as a scrub: a pinch of soda, a little liquid soap, after — a moisturizer on the heels.
Universal recipe: soda (4 tbsp. l.), «seasoned» with hydrogen peroxide (2 tablets), + 2 tbsp. l. salt. We also collect water in the bath, preferably moderately hot. We dissolve the soda, salt and begin to steam. After 7-10 minutes, add peroxide to the bath and set the alarm for another 7-10 minutes. But it is important not to overdo it! Softened skin can be easily removed with a brush or pumice stone. And at night, do not forget to apply a cream to soften your feet.
Fruit acids will also help to get rid of the problem. We fill the basin with about 1 liter of warm water (about 30 ° C), add 3 tablespoons of vinegar (preferably apple), lower the legs for 15 minutes. You can moisten a cotton swab in vinegar water and wipe your heels before picking up a pumice stone.
Honey Foot Mask
Honey has healing properties, which means it can soothe inflamed wounds on the heels. To do this, take 3 tablespoons of any honey and 1 tablespoon of melted cocoa butter (it is also ideal for the face — moisturizes, nourishes, slows down aging). We lubricate the heels, wrap our feet in plastic wrap for the whole night and put on wool socks.
«Boots» made of cabbage and plantain
Green leaves are also able to save from corns and cracks. We knead them with a mortar, and apply the resulting mixture to the heels. You can enhance the effect if you put warm knee socks or socks on your feet wrapped in a film.
Olive oil or Vietnamese coconut
It is better to do a therapeutic wrap immediately after a warm bath. It is ideal to take natural coconut oil. Alternatively, use unrefined vegetable (it will be cheaper) or olive (the result will be more noticeable). Simply greasing the heels with oil is an ineffective solution. It is better if it becomes an active component of the scrub, for example, with a banana.
Mix 1 tablespoon of oil with sugar, and then rub into the skin. After that, we apply a mixture of two bananas crushed in a blender and 2 tablespoons of softened coconut oil to clean feet. We fix the compress with a bandage, hold it for 20 minutes, then rinse it off. Finally, we apply a thin layer of coconut oil to the heels. There is no need to wash it off.
Beauty recipe from milk and boiled dried fruits
Do you want to feel like the Egyptian queen Nefertiti, who, according to legend, loved to take milk baths? It is not necessary to plunge completely into the rivers of milk. Just one glass is enough. The first recipe is with a soap solution. In a basin with hot water, add milk, 3 tablespoons of salt and a soap solution. We take a more interesting book and soar our heels for 40 minutes. Then, with the help of pumice stone, we clean off the keratinized skin.
The second recipe is a scrub with prunes. We cook the pulp in milk. After applying the dried fruit to the most problematic places.
Vegetable compresses
Tomatoes and potatoes will do. With tomatoes, everything is simple: the halves of a fresh vegetable soften the skin well, so we use gardening cosmetics whenever possible.
The potato recipe is a little more complicated. You will need three young root vegetables and 1 tablespoon of castor oil. Boil the peeled potatoes until ready. Drain the starch solution and steam the legs in it for 30 minutes. After the procedure, we apply castor oil on the heels. We do this before going to bed, because then we will need to warm up with socks and a blanket.
Another useful recipe with raw potatoes. My root vegetable, rub with the peel on a fine grater. We take a sieve and carefully decant the resulting juice. Add the juice from half a lemon to it. Squeeze half a spoonful of mint toothpaste into the mixture, add salt. Apply the product to the heels and massage the skin for 5 minutes. Then leave the mixture for another 20 minutes, and then rinse.
In the care of heels, consistency is important. It is better to arrange cleaning 2-3 times a week. An alternative to conventional saws and pumice stone is an electric saw with diamond chips or a razor scraper with a round blade.
In addition, you can buy pedicure socks — they will also help get rid of corns. In the composition we are looking for acids (from benzoic to stearic and lactic), extracts of medicinal herbs (good with chamomile), as well as natural oils for moisturizing (coconut or almond).
But in order not to make it worse, it is advisable to go for a pedicure regularly. After all, if you start the corns, over time they will form a rod, and this problem will have to be solved by a surgeon.