Chahat Kumar was born the same as all children, quite normal height and weight. No one in the whole Punjab could have imagined that in a matter of months she would become a local sensation. Not by choice — when Chakhat turned 4 months old, her parents discovered that their little daughter was growing up: by leaps and bounds. More precisely, she is rapidly gaining weight.
«She was constantly hungry, asking for milk and bread,» recalls her father, Suraj Kumar. And Rina’s mom adds, «At first we were happy about our daughter’s appetite, but when she became too heavy to pick up, we were alarmed.» Chahat was taken to a local doctor, but he could not even take blood for analysis: the girl’s skin and the layer of fat under it turned out to be too thick for a standard medical needle.
The case of Chahat surprised the doctors — there was something in her body that forced the girl to eat and gain weight at a rapid pace. At the age of 8 months, even before her first birthday, she weighed about 25 kg. In fact, this is the weight of a 4-year-old child, but not a baby, which formally should still be Chahat. But looking at this well-fed creature, the comparison with small children comes to mind at the very last turn.
What is the reason for rapid obesity, and while doctors call it that, no one can understand. Not the same level of medicine in the Indian outback, poor parents have no opportunity to take their daughter to an appointment with the capital’s luminaries. Now they are trying to treat Chahat as well as all fat people, using standard methods, in the hope that her weight will return to normal on its own.
Ignorance and helplessness give rise to superstition and hope — Chahat’s parents decided for themselves that their daughter was marked by deities. Maybe he is even preparing to become the embodiment of one of them, and therefore eats well to prepare for an important mission. So why interfere with higher powers? Everything is better than suffering from impotence — helping a young deity is more pleasant than watching an unknown daughter’s illness with longing.
The most important problem for Chahat is that due to her heavy weight, she cannot go far and is generally sedentary. She does not play with other children, does not socialize well and actually devotes time only to food. Abnormal, non-standard behavior for the child and the person as a whole. Maybe Chahat is really not of this world?