Nervous hunger has nothing to do with the physiological feeling of hunger. There is a vicious circle, comparable to addiction, when there is always not enough food. Sometimes even the normal emotions of everyday life can increase appetite. In addition to emotions, nervous hunger, which can also manifest as night hunger, depends on a sudden drop in blood sugar levels. This, in turn, causes a sudden craving for sweets.
Eat every three hours to avoid a drop in blood sugar and energy levels. This will allow you not to succumb to temptations.
The first step to containing nervous hunger is correct behavior at the moments when it appears. Simple means can be:
get away «physically» from food, go for a walk, jog;
distract attention by devoting yourself to reading or another hobby;
do the most unpleasant stressful things at the beginning of the day, for example, right after a hearty breakfast
keep a food diary to understand exactly what you eat and when you do it most often;
engage in stress-reducing exercises such as yoga and meditation.
Hearty food
Eat healthy food, but at the same time satisfying. In the list of such products:
fruits: pineapple, orange, kiwi, tangerine, papaya and grapefruit;
vegetables: red cabbage, carrots, chicory, lettuce, arugula, spinach and pumpkin;
fish: anchovies, herring, salmon, sardine, mackerel, tuna and trout;
meat: beef, chicken, turkey and veal;
milk and dairy products: yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese;
pumpkin and sunflower seeds;
pepper, chili, paprika, ginger and cinnamon are spices that retain a feeling of satiety longer if they are added to dishes during cooking.