Doctors saved a child who was born with a weight of 435 grams

In recent years, doctors have learned how to save even premature babies with critically low body weight. However, the story of Jessica Doxy and her baby is simply amazing, because his weight at the time of birth was critically small.

Jessica Doxy was admitted to the hospital twenty three weeks pregnant with a life-threatening diagnosis, it sounds like preeclampsia. There are no effective measures to prevent this condition, so any pregnant woman has risks. Unfortunately, Jessica was no exception.

The mother decided to save her: she had a caesarean, but the baby, whose weight was 435 grams, was breathing. The chances of survival of the baby, who had been christened Kayo, were estimated at 10%.

Doctors saved a child who was born with a weight of 435 grams

Six weeks, according to the will of his parents, Kayo spent with connection to artificial ventilation. And for two more months he lived in an incubator, which created conditions as if the baby was continuing to develop in the uterus.

Jessica fed the baby with her milk, she decanted it and brought it to the intensive care unit of the children’s hospital. Proper nutrition and sensitive care of doctors allowed Kayo to reach more than three kilograms of weight by discharge.

Doctors saved a child who was born with a weight of 435 grams

According to Doxy’s family, everything got better as soon as Kayo was discharged home. Now the boy is developing according to age norms. He loves his older brother and sister very much, who, by the way, also both were born a little earlier than the time predicted by doctors.

Doctors saved a child who was born with a weight of 435 grams

Jessica believes that she went through 72 hours of hell during the operation, and then suffered a lot because of guilt. She believed that it was because of her that Kayo risked death. But now that everything is fine, Mrs. Doxy is blogging so that her example will help other women who gave birth prematurely feel better.

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