Capricious nature: tricks of caring for sensitive skin

First of all, let’s determine whether your skin can be classified as sensitive, or it simply does not receive proper care.

There is a test to determine the sensitivity of the skin. Swipe the blunt end of the ballpoint pen along the inside of your forearm or across your cheek. If a red stripe appeared on the skin after that, which did not disappear after two minutes, most likely, your skin is prone to hypersensitivity.

Risk factor
Sensitive skin is usually delicate, thin and light. It is prone to peeling and redness, rashes often appear on it. It does not do without unpleasant sensations: itching, tightness, burning. All these problems are the result of a violation of the integrity of the epidermis, as a result of which the skin becomes inflamed, loses a large amount of moisture. It’s not for nothing that the sensitivity is most often increased in dry skin.

The true causes of its occurrence are not known for certain. There are several theories, including genetic predisposition, environmental factors and the influence of external stimuli. But scientists know the «provocateurs» of exacerbations well by sight. This may be insufficient or improper skin care, contact with aggressive substances (beauty products with a high alcohol content, components of hair dyes, household chemicals, etc.), cosmetic procedures (laser resurfacing, chemical peeling), nutritional characteristics (passion for spicy, salty and spicy dishes), climatic conditions (scorching sun or cold wind), stress, hormonal changes (during pregnancy, menstruation, menopause), bad habits (alcohol abuse, smoking).

Sometimes a violent reaction of the skin to external stimuli can be confused with an allergy. Your assistant in determining its real cause is time. An allergic reaction, as a rule, manifests itself 3-5 hours after applying the cosmetic product. Whereas the skin, prone to irritation, «responds» almost immediately, after only 10-20 minutes.

How to deal with the «susceptibility» of the skin
What to do when the skin behaves unpredictably? Over time, its sensitivity can be reduced, experts of the dermatological brand AVÈNE are sure. To begin with, try to change your lifestyle: how to get enough sleep (skin cells recover most effectively from 11 pm to 5 am!), take a contrast shower in the morning and evening, improve nutrition. Lean on seafood, cheese and mushrooms – they are rich in zinc, the deficiency of which slows down the process of collagen production, responsible for the elasticity, density and youthful appearance of the skin. Wheat germ and ginger will also help to increase the «stress resistance» and neutralize the redness of the skin.

Alas, not all the substances necessary for skin health can be obtained on a silver platter. Thus, the body does not synthesize bioactive micronutrients that protect it from aging and adverse environmental conditions. Vitamin complexes will help to fill their deficiency. For a healthy and even complexion, iodine, silicon, manganese, iron, vitamins B1, B6 and B12 are necessary, as well as some amino acids: for example, alpha-lipoic (penetrates cell membranes and protects them from the negative effects of ultraviolet light) and the sulfur-containing amino acid L-cystine (stimulates cell renewal).

Capricious nature: tricks of caring for sensitive skin
Everything is according to the rules
Proper care is the next step on the way to the health and comfort of the skin. To do this, enlist the support of pharmacy cosmetic lines.

When choosing a jar, focus on the composition and first of all look for soothing ingredients: bisabolol, alantoin, panthenol, aloe, chamomile, lime, karite oil, thermal water. But retinol, aggressive fruit acids, alkalis, essential oils, perfumes and parabens should not be in the jar (and therefore on the label) at all. To avoid a sudden unwanted «response» of the skin to cosmetic ingredients, do not be greedy – apply a small amount of the product. One or two drops will be enough for the eye area, a volume equal to a pea will be enough for the face, and a table tennis ball for the body.
To remove makeup, use a micellar solution – it not only cleanses, but also moisturizes the skin of the face.
Wash your face with bottled water at room temperature. Use mousses and gels with anti-inflammatory extracts of willow and calendula. Remember that any cleansers that need to be washed off with water should not stay on the skin for more than two minutes, otherwise they can cause even more irritation.
Do not forget about protection from UV radiation – even the stingy rays of the sun can provoke an «aggravation»! Products with SPF filters should be in your cosmetic bag all year round. For urban everyday life, a factor of 15-20 is quite suitable (in summer its level should not fall below 30).

Sensitive skin can be not only the face or body, but also the head. At any moment, it can declare itself with itching and peeling. The latter, by the way, is easily confused with dandruff.

In this case, the main thing is to understand whether the irritation is really caused by a fungus that provokes the formation of dandruff. Often the cause of peeling can be incorrectly selected care products (shampoos, balms, conditioners, masks), which increase dryness of the skin and contribute to the appearance of unpleasant sensations. This is especially typical for the cold season, when the body decreases the production of sebum, which resists «drought». Shampoo degreases the skin even more, depriving it of its natural protection. Therefore, even if you usually use products for normal hair type, from November to May, experts advise using shampoos and masks with extracts of soothing peppermint, peony and fennel for dry hair. When the change of the «washing» arsenal is beneficial, the condition of the hair and scalp immediately improves. If there are no changes and the shoulders are still covered with a white coating, you need to consult a trichologist who will tell you how to get rid of dandruff.

To keep your head in order, if possible, wash it with boiled or filtered water – tap water with chlorine impurities dries the skin even more. Wash off the shampoo to the end! Otherwise, its dried particles will lead to the formation of scales, and as a result, additional irritation will appear. It is useful for lovers of styling to arrange a «headwash» not only before styling, but also before going to bed to clean the pores of the scalp from silicones that are part of styling products.

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