Puppies and kittens, make room! Today we have another thief of human hearts, the orphan pangolin Neil. A kid who is very attached to the people who saved him, and the video with them causes a solid emotion!
Hi, I’m Neil. And I’m a pangolin, just a baby.
Pangolins in West Africa are highly valued for their delicious meat and unusual shells. Actually, Neil was just taken away from the butchers — he was born in captivity, did not receive proper care, was an outright loser and a burden. So Dr. Mark Ofua from St. Mark’s Orphanage easily took him away.
Babies need milk, enhanced nutrition
Neil is not like ordinary pangolins, so he is still learning to be one. So far, he looks more like a puppy — he loves to pester and play with everyone, he brings a feeding bottle himself, tries to establish contacts with everyone.
And he also loves to «kiss» with his rescuers
In fact, this is such a training — it is important for a pangolin to learn how to speak a long and flexible language
Neil is not the first pangolin to pass through the hands of Dr. Ofua.When Neil grows up, he will be returned to the wild. I wonder if he will visit those who saved him?