And you can’t hide in the bathroom: the triplets were lying under the door and guarding their mother

The birth of a child, of course, is a great happiness for a woman. At the same time, a close emotional connection is established between the mother and the baby even before birth. This attachment continues until the children become adults. But sometimes it becomes so strong that it deprives a woman of personal space.

A similar story happened to one of the users of the network, whose children decided to pursue her everywhere.

And you can't hide in the bathroom: the triplets were lying under the door and guarding their mother

While the little fidgets were busy playing with each other, the Chinese woman decided to take a bath. Her absence did not go unnoticed: the twins, who missed their mother, crept secretly to the closed bathroom door.

Since the door was locked, the children could not get inside and organized a noisy protest, trying to attract attention by shouting. Naturally, the young mother could not indulge herself with extra minutes spent in warm water.

And you can't hide in the bathroom: the triplets were lying under the door and guarding their mother

A picture of the triplets posted on the Internet immediately went viral, and hundreds of users left a lot of comments under the post. Many women admitted that they often encounter such situations, and someone was even moved by what they saw and decided to call his mother to thank her for caring in childhood.

And you can't hide in the bathroom: the triplets were lying under the door and guarding their mother

The role of the father in the family
According to psychologists, the strong attachment of children to their mother is an anomaly for healthy family relationships. To avoid this, the father must necessarily take an active part in the upbringing of the kids. In addition, it is desirable that children also communicate with their grandparents and other relatives. Any mother urgently needs rest and the opportunity to devote time to herself.

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