An honest confession of a young mother: How her husband surprised her after the second child

Babble columnist Audrey Rogers believes that it is quite enough -to give birth to a child. In any case, Audrey herself was able to appreciate what a wonderful husband she got only when she became the mother of 2 sons. Now that my sons have grown up a little, I can say with all responsibility that nothing checks the relationship between spouses like the birth of a child.

An honest confession of a young mother: How her husband surprised her after the second child

But only most newlyweds do not know about it. In fact, all the most interesting things about him will become clear after the end of the honeymoon, when the wedding dress will be covered with dust in the closet, and only memories will remain of the wedding bouquet. Only when you both get tired like dogs, when you both almost go crazy trying to instantly find the right way out of numerous problems, you will not only understand what you are made of yourself but also find out who you really married.

An honest confession of a young mother: How her husband surprised her after the second child

Before our first child was born, my husband and I were also sure that each of us had an easy, calm character. And all because we had a whole bunch of free time. And we just thoughtlessly spent it. But I realized this only later.

I asked my husband to take over the evening feeding and putting the baby to bed.
I was able to really appreciate the character of my husband when my eldest son was 4 months old and I decided that it was time to go to work.

Since we live outside the city, I was not sure that I would be able to get home in time for the last feeding. Therefore, I decided in advance to accustom the child to eat from a bottle with expressed milk.

An honest confession of a young mother: How her husband surprised her after the second child

A few weeks before going to work, it was decided to start training. I asked my husband to take over the procedure of evening feeding and putting the baby to bed, and at that time I was hiding in the next room. And then, day after day, listening to the baby’s cry from the next room, I felt admiration for the person who tries so hard to be him a good father. Moreover, despite the fact that the baby with the same persistence rejects his care.

An honest confession of a young mother: How her husband surprised her after the second child

At the same time, the husband not only never broke, but remained all the same gentle and loving. But, waking up in the morning, he knew that another hard and painful night awaited him and was mentally prepared for this.
Now, looking back and remembering everything that we experienced with the children, I am glad that my husband was with me not only when everything was fine, but also when everything turned into chaos.

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