Albino sisters who were born 12 years apart surprise people with their photos

Albinism is a genetic deviation, most often hereditary, which is characterized by a partial or complete absence of pigment in hair, skin, and eye shells.

Albino sisters who were born 12 years apart surprise people with their photos

Children with such a diagnosis are born with a probability depending on the living conditions.

Albino sisters who were born 12 years apart surprise people with their photos

In some countries, the probability is 1 in 3 thousand children, in others – 1 in 20 thousand.

Today we would like to tell you about two sisters from Kazakhstan who challenged this statistic.

Albino sisters who were born 12 years apart surprise people with their photos

We suggest you take a look at the pictures of girls with a unique appearance.

Asel was born in 2005, her younger sister Kamila – in 2018. The age difference is 12 years, but both girls were born with absolutely white skin and hair.

Albino sisters who were born 12 years apart surprise people with their photos

The sisters have an Instagram page where they post new photos and videos.

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