A newborn baby has set a new trend for «emotionally honest» baby photo shoots

The fashion to arrange photo shoots for newborn babies, less than a month old, has emerged relatively recently. That is, they were photographed for a long time, but the mass character and with it a large number of errors came recently. Parents sincerely want to see laughing, happy crumbs, as in the paintings of the best painters of the world, ignoring the fact that the lens is just a baby, not a professional actor. But, smart people say that the year 2023 will be harsh, frank and merciless to lies and pretense, and the photo shoot of baby Luna became a clear illustration of this.

A newborn baby has set a new trend for "emotionally honest" baby photo shoots

This is Luna Mews, she is 14 days old. This is her first real photo shoot and the baby took everything very seriously.

According to the photographer, Justin Toohey, Luna was much calmer than most babies. She was in no hurry to react to the lamentations and antics of her parents, who persuaded her daughter to smile. On the contrary, the baby was genuinely frowning and angry. Who are you and what do you want? Why don’t you let me sleep?  I don’t know how to speak yet and I don’t understand your words, why are you going broke? Well, when will it end, eh?

A newborn baby has set a new trend for "emotionally honest" baby photo shoots

No, of course, Luna didn’t say that, but the expression on her face was very eloquent. A child at this age wants to eat and sleep, and does not become an ornament of glossy covers. To him personally, and to most people in the world, it will not bring any benefit and will not add joy. And if so, then why torment the child and worry yourself, fellow parents? The businesslike, gloomy, honest face of the Moon made a splash and has already been recognized as the best image of the year, while there are no others. Stop showing the world «photoshopped dolls», babies are also personalities and they have their own emotions!

A newborn baby has set a new trend for "emotionally honest" baby photo shoots

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