Evelyn Cubbage from Florida is only 5 years old, but she has already learned for herself what it is like to belong to the fair sex and not be able to stand out, decorate herself. The baby stands out so much in the crowd thanks to her hair. They have become her gift and curse, which so far brings more problems and parents do not know what to do about it.
Young Evelyn has «Uncombable Hair Syndrome», the so-called uncombable hair syndrome. A genetic anomaly that cannot be cured or compensated by external means — the hair standing on end stubbornly and very effectively resists various effects. No, it is possible to comb or wash, but this is such a difficult and inconvenient procedure that it is easier not to torment the child. Evelyn’s mom has not been able to do anything more complicated than a simple ponytail yet.
While Evelyn was very tiny, it did not create any special problems, but now she goes to a preparatory school and there are other children there who do not understand and make fun of her. No, they do not poison, but constant jokes about «electrocuted» and «forgot to comb hair» do not bring joy. If mom can still fight back to adults, then Evelyn has to cope with the same-year-olds herself. And she sees how other girls change their hairstyles, which is not available to her. And this is not just a shame — the mother is afraid that her daughter will form a mental deviation, a «fad» that will interfere in the future.
It is useless to cut the girl’s hair, it does not contribute to styling in any way and the hair grows back quickly. Such is her «super strength» – at birth Evelyn was completely bald and her hair began to grow only at 10 months. But immediately, by leaps and bounds, the family decided not to interfere in the process. Yes, it is unpleasant and not very clear how to explain to her daughter what to do, how to behave. But this is her gift and let her decide what to do with it when she grows up.