A formidable pit bull pulled a baby out of a fire

In our life, there are often cases when animals have a premonition of impending danger before humans and, thanks to a quick reaction, save their owners. Hundreds of stories serve as proof of this, when dogs or cats woke up their owners during a fire.

Latana, originally from California, shared a similar story. The woman still can’t forget what happened and is grateful to her dog Sasha for saving her child. One night Latana was woken up by the barking of a dog, something different from the usual sounds that the owners hear from the dog every day. This greatly excited the young mother, and she immediately went to the animal to find out what had happened.

A formidable pit bull pulled a baby out of a fire

At first, the girl saw that the neighboring house was on fire. Unfortunately, Latana’s house was soon on fire. The woman, horrified by what she saw, ran to little Masaila’s room. What she saw there startled her: the pit bull was anxiously pulling the girl’s diaper. At first, Latana was taken aback by what was happening, but later realized that in this way the dog was trying to save the baby. Sasha took the baby away from danger right in her teeth. In fact, the animal saved the life of the whole family with its barking.

A formidable pit bull pulled a baby out of a fire

A unique connection
There are a lot of such situations when dogs or cats save small children. The fact is that when a child does not understand that he is in danger, the animal takes control of the situation on itself.

Masaila’s mom is proud of Sasha and immensely happy that she helped the family escape from a terrible fire. Pit Bull has always been a devoted family member, but after this incident, the owners love their pet even more.

A formidable pit bull pulled a baby out of a fire

As Natala said, her daughter and Sasha were born almost at the same time. From the very first days, a special spiritual bond has been formed between these two kindest creatures, so they are always inseparable. At the same time, the animal did not just run to save the child, but also woke up the other residents of the house. When Masaila grows up a little and learns the story of her rescue, she will also be proud of her beloved four-legged friend.

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