A 10-year-old boy with nunchucks conquered netizens

A ten-year-old boy from the Japanese city of Nara easily demonstrates the fighting technique of the legendary Bruce Lee. This talented young athlete has half a million followers on Instagram, and among them ring announcer Bruce Buffer and UFC champion John Jones.

Ten-year-old schoolboy Ryusei Imai, almost from the age of one, watched films with Bruce Lee with his parents. From the earliest years, Ryusei was amazed and enthusiastic, so he began to copy all the movements of his idol.

A 10-year-old boy with nunchucks conquered netizens

Ryusei Ryuji’s father was able to immediately notice his son’s talent. Lee’s main principle was the phrase «Don’t think, but feel.» This is the feeling that comes from the boy during training. And Ryusei is especially good at techniques with nunchucks.

When the little athlete was just starting his way, his father made an impressive video with classes. Five years have passed since then, but the boy not only did not give up his hobby, but also continued to improve and achieved excellent results.

A 10-year-old boy with nunchucks conquered netizens

Today, Ryusei trains daily: he stretches, runs, does push-ups from the floor on his knuckles and on one hand, performs exercises with weights. This guy definitely has a motivation that many adults will envy! He himself claims that he dreams of being like Bruce Lee and moving the same way. Ryusei is doing great, and he also has an incredible muscular and embossed body.

The boy is very popular and already has fans: more than 500 thousand people have subscribed to him on social networks, among whom there are famous people from the world of sports. Under each photo and video, subscribers always leave enthusiastic comments, encouraging the young fighter and admiring his skills. In his account, ring announcer Bruce Buffer said that if Ryusei tries further, he can easily become a champion of martial arts or an actor in action movies.

A 10-year-old boy with nunchucks conquered netizens

Parents strongly support their son, but do not intend to put pressure on him. The father wants Ryusei to devote his life to what he really respects and loves. But at the same time, the boy should not miss his childhood and go down the wrong path.

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