Feeding a baby properly from birth is important not only for the baby’s health. It is a conscious approach to nutrition, formed in childhood, that provides both good health for the future, and a proper nutrition culture that will help you always be in shape.
We have collected 6 of the most common mistakes that parents make when forming a children’s diet.
1. There are few vegetables and greens in the diet
Pediatricians recommend five or more servings of fiber and vitamins per day for a child’s diet. And it’s not a whim. Firstly, it is important that the growing body receives everything necessary that is in plant foods: vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber. Secondly, vegetables and greens are a source of energy, a guarantee of good digestion and a reduction in the risk of developing obesity and diabetes in the future.
If the child does not like vegetables
Try to supplement your diet with them imperceptibly: as a snack, a variety of dishes, a beautiful presentation (this is important for children) in the form of smoothies or puree. Be sure to eat vegetables and greens yourself — the nutrition culture of parents determines the child’s attitude to food. Broccoli, spinach, carrots, pumpkin, beetroot, squash, cauliflower — the choice is huge.
How to calculate a portion
For kids 1-3 years old, 1 serving is ½ cup of cooked, canned or frozen vegetables, ½ whole vegetable, ½ cup of 100% juice (up to 100ml).
For children 4-6 years old — ½ cup of cooked, canned or frozen vegetables, 120 g of whole vegetables, ⅔ cup of 100% juice (up to 120-170ml).
For ages 7-10 years — ½ cup of cooked, canned or frozen vegetables, 160-180g of whole vegetables, 1 cup of 100% juice (up to 220ml)
2. Giving up fats
Not all fats are harmful to the body. Fats are an important source of energy. Their main task is the protection of internal organs, the proper functioning of the immune system. Some hormones are fats or are formed from them. In addition, fats help to better absorb vitamins A, E, K, D and are a filter for toxins that can enter the body.
Add avocados, unrefined oils, cereals, plant seeds to the child’s diet. Since these products are only an integral part of the dish, it is not so difficult to introduce them, at the same time increasing the variety.
Signs that the body lacks fats
Rapid fatigue, increased irritability, lack of concentration, decreased immunity, flatulence, nausea, frequent headaches — all this can also be a sign of a lack of lecithin in the body not only in an adult, but also in a child.
The fact is that phospholipid lecithin is the most important part of the structure of cell membranes. Approximately 30% of the dry matter of the brain and 17% of the peripheral nervous system is lecithin. It participates in the metabolism of fatty acids, cholesterol, and transports nutrients to the cell. The use of lecithin helps to improve short-term memory, reduce fatigue, nervous nervous tension, normalize sleep, improve performance. And it is contained in fatty herring, egg yolk, fatty cottage cheese, butter, etc.
3. Refusal of meat
Protein is the building material of the body. It is found not only in meat, but also in all products of animal origin, as well as in vegetable sources.
A developing organism needs to receive a sufficient amount of essential amino acids, which the body cannot produce independently, but it can get from protein source products: meat, poultry, fish, animal products (milk, eggs), vegetable protein (beans, lentils, quinoa, chickpeas, nuts, tofu) – all this is a wonderful a component of a varied diet for healthy and full-fledged development.
How to calculate a portion
The daily norm of protein for a child is 2-3 servings. What can be included in the diet?
Kids 1-3 years old — 30 g of meat, fish, poultry, tofu, ¼ cup of legumes, ½ egg.
Children 4-5 years old — 30-60 g of meat, fish, poultry, tofu, ½ cup of legumes, 1 egg.
Children 7-10 years old — 60-90 g of meat, fish, poultry, tofu, ½ cup of legumes, 1-2 eggs.
4. No breakfast
It should be said right away that breakfast is the main and most important meal for a person. For a growing organism, breakfast is a key meal, because for good development, high efficiency, sufficient energy for the whole day, it is necessary to nourish the brain and the body correctly.
How to feed a child for breakfast
Remember about foods containing high-grade vegetable and animal protein, healthy fats, add to them cereals (whole grain bread, cereals), dairy or other foods rich in calcium (milk, cheese, natural yogurt) and a full breakfast that will energize you!
Make breakfast the main morning ritual of your family. Ideally, if you can get together at the table all together — the culture of nutrition is also important for the healthy psychological development of the child, the formation of useful habits that will remain with him in the future.
To diversify the diet is much easier than it seems. Try to combine the necessary nutrients during each meal, try different ways of cooking, serving, alternating products and observe the important principle of healthy nutrition — diversity! And then you and your child will not feel that eating right is boring and tasteless.
5. Replacing water with juices
Water improves metabolism, normalizes digestion, improves the mood and performance of the child. But what about juices, soups, fruits — you may object. Soup, juice, tea, milk do not count! It is important that the child consumes a daily allowance of clean water, the salt content of which is reduced, and there are no preservatives. Other drinks are not included in the calculation of the norm.
Signs of dehydration
If you notice your child’s dry lips, skin, problems with stool and urination, digestion, allergic reactions and even fatigue — this may be a sign of a lack of water.
The drinking regime is an equally important component of the children’s diet. The child’s need for fluids depends on many factors. The European Food Safety Agency EFSA and the British Nutrition Association recommend 6-8 glasses per day with a volume of 150-200 ml. And here it is very important not to forget to offer clean water, but to give the child the opportunity to learn to hear their needs. For example, you can give small bottles with you for a walk, put a cooler with water so that the baby can pour himself a drink on his own.