6 facts about tomatoes that parents of kids should know

1. A storehouse of vitamins
Tomatoes have a lot of useful components. First of all, these are vitamins C and B, organic acids and fiber. In addition, this vegetable contains potassium, which improves heart function, lowers blood pressure and has a diuretic effect. Iodine stimulates the activity of the thyroid gland, and iron is involved in blood oxygen saturation. Calcium strengthens bones, and copper and zinc are necessary for the development and growth of cells and tissues. Magnesium has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

2. Powerful antioxidant
Tomatoes are also rich in other substances that have a beneficial effect on our body. Among them are lycopene and pectin. Lycopene is a natural pigment, thanks to it the fruits are colored red. It is a powerful antioxidant that reduces inflammation and reduces the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases, strengthens the immune system, accelerates metabolism and slows down the aging process. Pectin is beneficial for the digestive and excretory systems. It improves intestinal motility, is useful for the immune system. The choline contained in pectin reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Please note that pectin is contraindicated for allergies.

3. Highly allergenic product
Tomato is considered a highly allergenic product due to the content of allergen proteins such as profilin and lipid carrier protein in it. The latter is resistant to the action of food enzymes, as well as to heat treatment, which can cause severe allergic reactions.

Since the protein content is higher in mature fruits and, accordingly, the risk of allergies increases when they are consumed, it is better for children to choose yellow or orange varieties of tomatoes.

4. Tomatoes are given to kids without skin
Precisely because tomatoes are the strongest allergens, they are introduced into the baby’s diet in stages. At 9 months old, a child can be offered tomatoes only in processed form. The first portion is no more than half a teaspoon of tomato puree made from boiled or stewed fruits without skin, or the same volume of tomato soup. If there is no redness, rashes on the baby’s skin, the stool has not changed, the portion is gradually increased and brought to 100-200 g. You can give this vegetable no more than 1 time a week and only heat-treated.

Fresh fruits appear on the table no earlier than 12 months. At the same time, they are also pre-peeled from the skin: it is not digested, it can stick to the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and provoke the formation of ulcers in this place.

Up to 4-5 years old, canned tomatoes are contraindicated for children: there is too much salt and preservatives in tomato brine. For children with cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the digestive tract, kidney problems, canned tomatoes are better not to use at all.

5. The best combinations
Tomatoes are perfectly combined with vegetable products or lean meat and fish. This is how all the useful substances contained in tomatoes, in particular, lycopene, are better absorbed.

But tomatoes are not combined with dairy products: such a combination causes strong fermentation in the intestines and provokes increased gas formation.

6. Ground tomatoes are better than greenhouse tomatoes
When choosing tomatoes, pay attention to their appearance. The skin is whole, without cracks, there should be no damage, dark spots on the fruits. Fruits are moderately soft, mature. It is better if they are ground (grown in the open ground), and not greenhouse. Greenhouse farming is not complete without chemical fertilizers.

Winter tomatoes
In the cold season, tomatoes help to make up for vitamin deficiency. That’s just in the middle zone in winter they do not grow, they are brought from afar or grown in greenhouses. So that the fruits do not deteriorate on the road and retain their presentation longer, they are often treated with special substances that our body perceives as dangerous and harmful elements. Therefore, undesirable reactions occur more often.

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