Myth #1. «Snack degree steals»
What is it about
In order not to get drunk, or to get drunk, but not very much, it is necessary to have a good snack. Allegedly, a plentiful meal allows you to stay practically sober, despite the amount of alcohol consumed. There is also a second saying: «It was necessary to have a snack.» It is usually pronounced in cases when we are dealing with a fairly «tired» opponent. They say that if this subject had been leaning on food properly, he would not have been so indecently drunk.
The absorption rate of alcohol on an empty stomach is 25 ml per minute. The dose after which an adult loses consciousness is about 350 ml of vodka. But this is on an empty stomach. A lump of food slows down the absorption of alcohol from the stomach. Therefore, it seems that the more you eat, the less you get drunk. And if so, you can continue the feast… However, no snack is able to break down alcohol in the stomach. So, no matter how much you have a snack, it will not affect the amount of alcohol you have absorbed. He will simply stay in the stomach longer, waiting for his turn, simultaneously managing to seriously harm the body, causing intoxication and a severe hangover.
It is necessary not to eat more, but to drink less. A plentiful snack does not steal the degree, but creates the prerequisites for an overdose of alcohol with all the ensuing consequences.
Myth #2. «Drink, you’ll warm up»
What is it about
There is an opinion that alcohol has a warming effect. Allegedly, a few sips of strong alcohol act no worse than a hot water bottle. This myth is very common among amateurs (it is among amateurs, not professionals) of hunting, fishing and other suburban extreme sports.
Once in the body, alcohol promotes the expansion of peripheral blood vessels. Warm blood rushes to the skin, and this really creates a short-term feeling of warmth. But the danger is that at the same time the heat output increases, that is, the body begins to lose internal heat. Therefore, this method of «warming up» is unacceptable if you continue to be in the cold: the risk of overcooling increases at times, moreover, against the background of a subjective feeling of warmth on the surface of the body. That is why so often people who have drunk a lot, falling asleep on the street, die from hypothermia even in the warm season.
Alcohol is dangerous to «bask» in the cold. As a warming agent, it is useful only in small doses and only if you need to quickly get rid of the feeling of chills, or warm up your limbs when you have already got into a warm room.
Myth #3. «Wine for beer is a miracle, and beer for wine …»
What is it about
That it is possible to drink different alcoholic beverages only in the direction of increasing their strength. From beer to wine and vodka, and not vice versa, and not in disparity. They say that only in this case you will avoid a hangover and other unpleasant consequences.
It does not matter in what order to drink alcoholic beverages of different strength. This myth has no scientific basis (and has never been confirmed by research). Moreover, in a number of European countries there are directly opposite beliefs. They are sure that the degree should just be lowered. At the same time, both opinions are harmful, since they imply the permissibility of mixing different alcoholic beverages, that is, made from different raw materials. And this is extremely harmful not only for the long-suffering liver, but also for the brain.
Do not mix at all! Narcologists advise not to exhaust yourself: if you really want to relax in a pleasant company, then you should only drink one drink. Moreover, not just one class, for example, «I drink only wine all evening, first table, then dessert», namely the same brand of drink. By the way, this imposes a certain responsibility on the organizers of parties: you should not chase the variety of alcohol on the table.
Myth #4. «There are noble drinks, but there is vodka»
What is it about
The popular opinion is that, unlike 40-degree ethyl alcohol (vodka, that is), drinks such as cognac, tequila, whiskey, balm, liqueur or wine, bring less harm to health, or even are useful in small quantities.
All of the above drinks are distillates, that is, liquids obtained by distilling berry, fruit, or grain brew, and differ little from moonshine in their effect on internal organs. It is a scientifically proven fact: the closer an alcoholic drink is in its composition to ethyl alcohol diluted with water, the easier it is for the liver to neutralize its toxic effect. And the more complex the drink, the harder it is processed, because in addition to alcohol, there are other toxic and difficult-to-digest substances in it. Accordingly, such drinks, especially if you do not have a sense of proportion, cause much more damage to health. This is especially true for whiskey, tequila and cognacs. A little less harm will come from fruit wines.
From the point of view of your body, alcohol is not «noble». And, paradoxically, it sounds, but ethyl alcohol without impurities and additives (that is, in the form of vodka) is even safer than in the «bouquet».
One of the common opinions about alcohol and its benefits says that it reduces blood pressure. Alcohol really reduces the tone of blood vessels, and they expand, but do not rush to use it as a medicine, because at the same time alcohol-containing drinks speed up the heartbeat. So the benefit will be extremely doubtful — instead of treating hypertension, you will only load the heart with extra work.
Myth #5. «Beer is not vodka»