3 years ago, the public was excited by a photo posted by a school teacher

Many children living in developed countries and big cities do not like to study. But often children from the hinterlands, who are given education with difficulty because of the huge distances from housing to school or the lack of teachers, treat their studies differently. Lemurov.net will tell the story of such a boy from China.

3 years ago, the public was excited by a photo posted by a school teacher

There are quite a few schools in China, but not all work with children from well-off areas. A boy named Wang Funman just lives in not the most favorable province of China, which is called Yunnan. He grows up with his grandmother and sister, the boy’s parents are forced to travel around the country to earn a living.

3 years ago, the public was excited by a photo posted by a school teacher

And the boy himself is often not at home: he needs to walk about nine kilometers to get to school. And this is at the age of nine! At the same time, Wang does not have warm clothes because of the family’s financial problems. But this does not stop the boy’s craving for knowledge.

3 years ago, the public was excited by a photo posted by a school teacher

That’s how the photo of a persistent student, popular in China, appeared. To pass the exam, he walked five kilometers through the nine-degree frost in a light jacket and without a winter hat. His classmates had a fit of laughter after this walk, but the teacher was a little scared.

3 years ago, the public was excited by a photo posted by a school teacher

The boy’s hair was covered with frost, and his cheeks became incredibly red. It happened because there was an accident in Yunnan. It led to the fact that there was no heating in the school. But even with the heating, it was hard enough to sit there all the lessons, I had to stay in outerwear.

This life test did not prevent him from passing the exam for 99 out of 100 points. The story of a persistent and talented boy from a poor province conquered the Chinese. He was even invited on an excursion to Beijing.

3 years ago, the public was excited by a photo posted by a school teacher

Interestingly, the heating system in the capital’s buildings impressed the child the most. For a long time he admired the fact that heating works in local houses. Returning home, the boy said that he dreams of getting a quality education in order to save his family from having to live in such difficult conditions.

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