Do you notice that by the end of the working day you have become more tired than usual, often feel weak, suffer from headaches or dizziness? Rather, take tests to check the blood — it is likely that you have anemia. If these symptoms do not bother you, do not relax, you are not insured.
For the normal functioning of the body and in particular the circulatory system, iron levels need to be maintained by everyone. Take a closer look at your diet and include foods containing iron in your diet. Why does our body need it? Iron is involved in many important processes, but the most important of them is the transportation of oxygen to the tissues, in other words, it helps the body to assimilate what it simply cannot exist without. Transportation takes place with the help of hemoglobin — the most important element of the blood, which just delivers oxygen to the cells, taking carbon dioxide from them. In addition, iron is directly involved in the formation of DNA, which also has a positive effect on human health.
What products contain a lot of iron? We present to your attention a dozen record holders.
1. Seeds
100 g = up to 100% of the daily norm of iron
Seeds are the most powerful source of iron. One handful of sesame seeds or raw pumpkin seeds contains the full daily allowance, or even more! Therefore, it is important to use them in moderation, otherwise, instead of iron deficiency, you can get an excess, and this is not the most pleasant purchase. A lot of iron is also contained in sunflower seeds, up to 50% of the daily norm.
2. Buckwheat
100 g = up to 50% of the daily norm Iron buckwheat porridge is a champion in iron content. It costs little, is sold everywhere, is easy to prepare and is generally very useful. If you want to increase iron levels, give up buckwheat in milk and do not use it with dairy products. They are rich in calcium, and he is «not friends» with iron, and when used together they are both poorly absorbed. Those who are ready to experiment can try green non-fried buckwheat or cook it 50/50 with regular. There is even more iron in it!
Anemia (or, more simply, anemia) is a decrease in the number of oxygen—carrying red blood cells (erythrocytes) or a decrease in the amount of a key oxygen-carrying protein (hemoglobin) below a certain value.
3. Liver
100 g = up to 36% of the daily norm of iron
Meat offal (liver, kidneys, brain, heart) is not only extremely nutritious, but also rich in iron, but the champion among them is the liver, 100 g of which can contain up to 6.5 mg of iron. In addition, the liver is rich in vitamin A — by eating 100 g, you will exceed the daily need for this vitamin by 10 times, as well as the extremely valuable organic compound choline, an important nutrient for the brain and liver.
4. Nuts
100 g = up to 30% of the daily norm
Most nuts are rich in iron. In terms of its content, they are equivalent to meat. Pistachios, peanuts and almonds contain the most iron. A little less — in hazelnuts, cashews and pine nuts.
5. Beef
100 g = about 25% of the daily value of iron
There is an unbreakable rule regarding meat: the darker it is, the more iron it contains. Therefore, the choice falls on beef. Beef and veal liver are especially rich in iron. It is better to take lean beef, it is less caloric and contains less saturated fat. Don’t like beef and prefer poultry meat? Follow the rule: choose dark chicken and turkey meat.
6. Dark chocolate
100 g = up to 25% of the daily norm of iron
Chocolate lovers can breathe a sigh of relief — their favorite product is not only delicious, but also healthy. However, we are not talking about milk, but about dark chocolate — in addition to iron, up to 56% and 15% of the daily norm of copper and magnesium can still be found in it. However, its benefits are not limited to this — chocolate also has a beneficial effect on cholesterol and can reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Nutritionists advise in order to get the maximum benefit from chocolate, to consume a product with a minimum 70 percent cocoa content.
7. Tofu
100 g = up to 19% of the daily norm of iron
Soy bean curd is appreciated among plant food lovers because of its nutritional value – 22 grams of protein in a 100—gram serving is no joke to you. In addition to iron, which is also a lot in tofu, it also contains a number of useful minerals, such as calcium, magnesium and selenium. There is another value — tofu contains unique compounds called isoflavones, which improve insulin sensitivity, reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and alleviate the symptoms of menopause.
8. Shellfish
100 g = up to 17% of the daily value of iron
However, it is worth mentioning right away — the mollusk is different from the mollusk, not all marine inhabitants of this class are equally rich in iron. Champions are oysters and mussels, 100 g can contain up to 3 mg of iron. Moreover, what else is a plus — iron, which is contained in shellfish, is absorbed by the human body much easier than that contained in plants. And, of course, do not forget about protein, which is also rich in shellfish.
The Council:
Iron will not be able to be absorbed normally if your body is deficient in vitamin C and folic acid. Only a lazy person does not know about where vitamin C is contained. And sorrel and other green leafy vegetables are especially rich in folic acid. Conversely, calcium, polyphenols and phytates contained in tea, coffee, cereals and dairy products impair iron absorption. And they themselves are worse absorbed. Therefore, try not to mix them and, if possible, arrange a coffee break or tea party at least an hour after eating.
9. Turkey
100 g = up to 13% of the daily value of iron
Yes, this bird cannot be called a record holder in terms of iron content, but do not rush to write it off, because the dark turkey meat has as much as 28 grams of protein per 100 g serving, as well as zinc and selenium, which are valuable for the body. Turkey is often recommended for dietary nutrition for good reason — its meat not only helps to get enough, but also increases the metabolic rate, and also prevents the loss of muscle mass.
10. Spinach
100 g = more than 10% of the daily norm of iron
Spinach is present in almost all existing diets, because it contains a lot of vitamins, acids and minerals. Iron is no exception. You can add spinach to a salad or use it as an independent side dish to fish or meat. If you don’t like the prospect of chewing leaves, use them in soups and green smoothies, put a little in the usual sandwich. In general, use all possible methods of disguise, the main thing is that you eat it.
11. Canned tuna
100 g = almost 10% of the daily norm of iron
Fresh tuna can be difficult to find, frozen or in the form of steak, it is sold, as a rule, in specialized fish shops and shops. It’s much easier to take canned. This is much cheaper, and in combination with rye bread and greens is no less delicious.