Animals from the shelter especially appreciate love and comfort. Bentley dog was brought back several times due to his increased anxiety.
But, fortunately, there was a girl who was willing to go through all the difficulties and become best friends with her pet.
Kattara Taylor moved into a bigger house so that there was enough space for the dog Bentley. After all, it was difficult for a 54-kilogram pet to stay in an apartment.
There was a small patio adjacent to the house, and Kattara was fired up with the idea of turning it into a cozy place for Bentley.
Together with her boyfriend, they removed the concrete covering, then poured more earth and laid a rolled lawn. It turned out very green.
And finally, the result was presented to the main critic. It was incredible. Bentley liked the lawn so much that he did not get up from it for several hours, and looked absolutely happy.
The surprise was a success, which means that there was more for another happy pet from the shelter.