Magpie learned to bark like a dog to communicate with his friend

In the Australian environment of Queensland, 2 friends Peggy and Molly live. Nothing unusual, you might think. But everything is not as easy as it seems at first glance, Peggy is a Staffordshire Terrier, and Molly is an ordinary magpie. Their warm benevolence flew around the net.

The owners, Juliette and Reece, posted videos of their pets on Tiktok. The video has collected almost 3 million views, in a few days it was expanded by netizens.

Magpie learned to bark like a dog to communicate with his friend

A hungry and shabby chick was discovered last fall by Julie and Peggy during a walk. According to the woman, her young staff is usually afraid of live birds, but here it turned out otherwise the dog itself began to attract the attention of the owner. Surprisingly, there were no anxious guardians around, nor a nest nearby.

Juliet brought the find home. The couple were afraid for a week that the chick would not actually survive, he constantly slept and literally ate nothing. Well, Peggy, in turn, was always there.

Magpie learned to bark like a dog to communicate with his friend

When only the bird was able to get stronger, she was given a name and a chance to fly away. The couple deliberately left the window open and occasionally took Molly out into the open. But the magpie was in no hurry to leave their rescuers. The dog also had patronage, which in fact at some point even decided to adopt her. She also started lactating. The young «daughter», without any hesitation, began to emulate the habits of her new «mother». Nina Peggy wears a shirt to protect herself from a hungry bird, which in turn barks at the neighbor’s dogs.

Magpie learned to bark like a dog to communicate with his friend

This has been misleading owners for a long time. They deliberately taught the pet not to bark unnecessarily, and any of them were upset when they heard disobedience. Everything was revealed when they were together with Peggy outside, and barking was heard in the house.

Magpie learned to bark like a dog to communicate with his friend

Rhys and Juliet do not give up hope of letting Molly go to her relatives, they want her to build her nest nearby. Well, Molly is definitely satisfied with her current family and she does not intend to create her own yet.

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