On the first day of July, a new hero appeared on Twitter, whose distorted muzzle has already collected hundreds of thousands of likes and tens of thousands of retweets. This is a teenage golden retriever puppy named Todd, and he looks so strange because he was bitten by a rattlesnake. And this is not negligence, the editorial notes Lemurov.net the owner of Todd specifically published the story to boast that the pet saved her from the reptile.
There is nothing quite extraordinary about the story itself. The owner, Paula Goodwin, was walking with her pet on the Arizona steppe when they came across a rattlesnake. A stupid person, as usual, did not even realize that he was about to step on a reptile, but the puppy turned out to be smarter. And when, in a fit of self-defense, the snake made a throw, Todd was right on the line of attack, taking a potentially fatal bite with his muzzle.
Paula urgently took the pet to the nearest veterinary clinic, where tests were done and assured that nothing was threatening him. And the swollen muzzle will pass in a few days. In her joy, Paula rushed to take pictures of her savior, and to build tweets, but it’s not difficult to understand her.
The most interesting thing began when the broad masses learned about the story. Many noted that even through the tumor you can see how the dog is smiling, and there is something of ostentatious heroism in this smile – that’s how nice I am! This charmed some people and angered others, who quite reasonably believe that there is no place for unrestrained fun in a situation when life was hanging by a thread. A rattlesnake is not a toy! But, perhaps, the insidious puppy deliberately brought the mistress to a less dangerous snake to «portray a feat» and get off with a little blood? In short, there were no indifferent people and Todd became the real hero of the day.